Check out peopleFind out a little more about that new person in your life or even an old boyfriend/girlfriend.
Alias / AKA (Also Known As) records are also identified when listed in the Case Title. Looking to use a professional person or organisation? Knowing whether they have been the subject of legal action against them, or whether they have commenced legal action against others, can be quite informative. Check out a business or trades organisationAs the CDNZ database also allows you to search business names / entity names, it’s an ideal way to see whether that organisation has been before a higher NZ court in the past.
Disclaimer: The CDNZ Database only shows details of persons/organisations that were scheduled to have their matter heard before a court. No guilt or innocence should be assumed from any name being in the database.
Database AlertsAlerts can be created in the CDNZ Database for a person's name or a that of a business.
After creating an Alert, you will receive an email whenever a future record for that same name is added to the database. This is an ideal option if you want to keep track of any new records for one or more people and/or companies. Any registered user of the CDNZ database can create an Alert. |
Accessing the CDNZ DatabaseTo access the CDNZ database, simply click the button below and create an account. You will then receive an email with a link that needs to be activated so your email address can be verified. Please contact us if you have any problems receiving that verification link.
When you account is verified, you can conduct free searches to see if a name is in the database. Paid access from only $9.90 for 1 month of unlimited searches is then necessary to see record details. |