Background ChecksThe CDNZ database is a must-have resource for any investigator providing background check services on either people or businesses. The extent of the information available cannot be obtained elsewhere online.
Be sure to also check out that person or business at the Court Data Australia database. LocationsFurther assistance is provided by pin-pointing people at a specific location on a particular day. If you've been looking for someone in one region and find a person with the same name has recently appeared before the courts in a different location, then a change of focus could be worthwhile.
Be sure to also check out whether that person or business at the Court Data Australia database. Perhaps they are now in Australia. Correct (full) name spellingAs the database contains official court listings, the spelling of the name is likely to be accurate. In addition, additional middle names can often be found to better target further searches.
Deceased personsThe CDNZ database can also assist with identifying whether someone is now deceased as deceased estate court matters are regularly included.
AliasesThe database is also available to help identify any alias, AKA or maiden names. Looking for Weihai WANG? Would it be helpful to know that he is also known as Peter WANG.
Current or ex-partnersCivil court records can sometimes be a great resource for identifying possible spouses or partners. Both persons can sometimes be listed in a civil action whether they are the ones taking the action against another person/entity or the ones against whom the action is being brought.
Additional lines of inquiryA court case listing will often identify other persons involved in the matter.
As civil court case listings usually show both the name of the person or organisation lodging the action as well as the person/organisation against whom the action is lodged, that other person/organisation could provide additional worthwhile information. Check out other businessesIf your business deals with people and/or other businesses and it would be helpful to know a little more about them before you enter into any kind of a business relationship (be that as a supplier, customer or contractor), the CDNZ database can likely be of benefit.
Or, you could just be interested in checking out your competitors ;-) |
Database AlertsAlerts can be created in the CDA Database for a person's name or a that of a business.
After creating an Alert, you will receive an email whenever a future record for that same name is added to the database. This is an ideal option if you want to keep track of any new records for one or more people and/or companies. |
Accessing the CDNZ DatabaseTo access the CDNZ database, simply click the button below and create an account. You will then receive an email with a link that needs to be activated so your email address can be verified. Please contact us if you have any problems receiving that verification link.
When you account is verified, you can then conduct free searches. |
Still not sure?You've checked out the About, CDNZ Database and FAQ pages, but are still a little uncertain about how the CDA database can be of benefit or if it will delivery the kind of information and help you might be looking for?
We totally understand. Contact us with any questions or concerns and we will do our best to help. |